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LRCC ByLaws Revised for 2024.pdf

By-Laws of the Louisville Radio Control Club, Inc.
Amended as of January 4, 2024


By-Laws of the Louisville Radio Control Club, Inc.

Amended as of January 4, 2024

Changes:  List of Club Officers and Board of Directors for 2024

Article I: Name of club

A. The name of the club shall be “The Louisville Radio Control Club” as used hereinafter (The Club).

B. The location of the Club is: McNeely Lake Park South, Louisville Kentucky

C. The hours of operation are daylight to dark.

Article II. Purpose of the Club

A. The Club will be an organization of individuals to create and sustain a non-profit incorporated Club dedicated to all aspects of the sport of model aviation and ground vehicles consistent with the definitions and limitations prescribed by the Academy of Model Aeronautics hereinafter (AMA).
In addition the Club will provide a meeting place for its members and visitors for regularly scheduled meetings.

Article III: Membership

A. The total number of club members will be limited as determined by the Club’s Board of Directors.

B. There will be no discrimination as to race, color, gender and citizenship of individuals who are club members as well as anyone applying for membership.

C. All club members shall be responsible individuals, who will abide by the rules, regulations,
objectives and other governing constraints as established by the Club’s Board of Directors.

D. To be admitted as a club member a prospective member must:

[1] make full payment of club membership dues.
[2] dues shall be $80.00 a year. Junior (under age 19) will be free with AMA membership. (After July 1st, new members only shall be $40.00 for remainder of year)

NOTE:  Dues will be reviewed by the committee each year at the October and September meetings to determine if they need to be revised.
[3] be a current member of the AMA. (Park Pilot required for ground vehicles only and electric aircraft less than 2 lbs. and slower than 60mph.  Under age 19 must have AMA Youth Membership.  Full AMA required for anything else.)
[4] obey current club rules and regulations concerning use of radio equipment and models to insure a safe controlled model airport and ground vehicle operation.
[5] conform to AMA identification of radio equipment and models to insure a safe model operation.

E. Termination: If any member ceases to have the qualification necessary for membership in the AMA, his/her membership in the Club thereby terminate,
subject to reinstatement upon restoration of eligibility.

F. Expulsion: This section provides for the enforcement of the Safety Rules that are related to flying activities or any other unacceptable behavior
by an individual member or members. Any individual may be expelled from membership from the Club by two thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Board or
membership if in the officers’ determination, such individual willfully commits any act or omission which is a violation of any of the terms of these
Bylaws, the rules of the AMA, or which is detrimental to the Club, the AMA, or to model aviation.

G. Reinstatement: A two-thirds vote of the membership is required for reinstatement to the Club.

Article IV: Government

A. The club will be governed by club elected Board of Directors and Officers.

[1] President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, 6 board of directors.
The seventh Director shall be Chairman of the Board (the most recent president).

B. All Officers and Directors shall be members in good standing (current dues paid and no with no disciplinary action against them).

C. If a elected or appointed club officer ceases to be a club member, then he/she automatically ceases to be an elected/appointed club officer.

D. Officers will be elected for a term of one year. Starting January 1st and ending December 31st of the same year.

E. The Board of Directors shall serve a two year term starting January 1st and ending December 31st of the following year.
The first year, the three eldest serving Board Members will be up for election. The three remaining Board Members will be up for election the following year.

F. Nominations will be held September through November for the four officers and three Board Members. Ballots will be mailed out the following week
to every member. All ballots are to be returned postmarked no later than November 25. The results will be made public at the December meeting.

G. Duties of Officers:

[1] The President shall preside at the meetings of the Club and the Chairman of the Board of Directors shall preside at the Board of Directors meetings.
The Club President shall be the administrative officer of the club and shall appoint, subject to confirmation by the Board of Directors, all standing committees,
designating the chairman thereof and all special committees as may be directed. The Club President shall be ex officio, member of all committees and his/her
designee shall be responsible for filing all the necessary paperwork with the Secretary of State, the AMA and the Metro Parks Department. The President is
empowered to authorize Club moneys for Club related activities with the majority of the Board approval.

[2] The Vice President shall assume the Club duties of the President in his absence. He shall attend to the business and financial operations of the Club as
long as the President is absent. He shall be ex officio, member of all committees.

[3] The Secretary shall send out notices of the Club and of Board of Directors meetings, keep minutes of the Club and Directors meetings, read the current minutes
of Club meetings to the Club membership and attend to the correspondence pertaining to his/her office and shall maintain the Club roster along with the Treasurer.

[4] The Treasurer shall be solely responsible for all revenue of the Club. He/she shall maintain all receipts for purchases and reimbursements.
He/she shall maintain any/all bank accounts on behalf of the Club and prepare monthly reports accounting for all monies collected and or disbursed
by the Club including paying Club bills as approved by the Board of Directors. He/she shall deposit such monies of the Club in a depository as
authorized by the Board of Directors. Petty cash shall not exceed Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00). Should the Club accumulate more than
Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00) in petty cash, any overage shall be immediately deposited in the Club’s bank account and listed on the monthly report.
He/she shall maintain the Club roster along with the Secretary.

[5] Officer vacancies are to be filled by appointment pursuant to a vote of the remaining officers until the next monthly meeting following the resignation
or removal of any officer whereupon the appointment shall be voted on by the membership or nominations may be made to permanently fill the position.

[6] In the event that a condition should develop which requires prompt handling or a prompt decision to be made and which would place Article II in jeopardy,
the Board is empowered to act for the good of the Club without prior discussion or approval from the general membership.

Article V: Dues

A. The Club shall be financially supported by payment of yearly dues as defined in Article III section D part 2. Need for additional moneys to support Club endorsed activities may be obtained through assessment when endorsed by Club membership. Dues are due of that calendar year no later than the adjournment of the March meeting on the first Tuesday of that month, after which a $10.00 late fee will be accrued. Dues are in effect until December 31st of that calendar year.
New members joining after July 1st shall pay ½ of full membership dues. Dues and initiation fees will be set by the Board of Directors.

Article VI: Club meetings

A. All meetings shall be presided over by the club President with at least one elected Club officer (Vice President, Secretary or Treasurer) present.

[1] A quorum exists when three Board members, two officers and ten percent or more Club members are present at an official club meeting as
long as one of the officers present is President or Vice President.

B. Special meetings for Club members may be called by a Board member or the President if the majority concurs with their request.

C. Wherever in these by-laws whereby members must be informed, the mailing will be to the member’s last known address.

D. When any item is deemed as requiring membership vote, then each member present will have one vote. (no absentee votes will be allowed)

Article VII: Grievance procedure

A. The grievance procedure provides a mechanism to enforce existing safety rules by providing a progressive disciplinary system when needed.
Although most complaints can be resolved informally, the matter should be referred to the Safety Committee for its consideration by means of a grievance form to be filed out and turned into the Safety Committee Chairman. At least one witness is required to sign the Grievance form.

B. The Safety Officer/Committee shall use its judgment in carrying out action on the following:

[1] A grievance form will be filled out and turned in to the Safety Officer/Committee Chairmen. At least one witness is required.

[2] Unintentional violations: Violations determined by the Safety Officer/Committee to be unintentional shall result in modified privileges
wherein the accused will be required to have a spotter while flying until such time as the Safety Officer/Committee, Officer of the Club or
Instructor determines that this restriction is no longer necessary.

[3] First violation: Viewpoints of both complainants and accused will be considered. Complainant’s name will be disclosed.
A verbal reprimand will be given to the accused by the Safety Officer/Committee, and this will be recorded in the Club records.

[4] Second violation: Complainant’s name will be disclosed. The accused has the right to written rebuttal, to be reviewed by the
Club Safety Officer/Committee. If the Committee so decides, the flying privileges of the accused will be suspended for thirty (30) days.
Written notice of this shall be issued and a copy published in the Club newsletter.

[5] Third violation: Safety Officer/Committee will notify the accused in writing and the Club members via the Club newsletter that the Club
will vote on the expulsion of the accused at the next meeting. Said expulsion will last for a one-year minimum. A member may be expelled from
the Club only upon a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the membership present at the meeting. Voting will be by secret ballot at a regular
monthly meeting. The expelled member may reapply for membership after the expiration of the expulsion time period.

[6] The three actions will not be enforced unless they are accumulated within a two year period of time.

[7] Any member receiving a Grievance, who directs any retaliation action against the person filing said grievance, will be subject to immediate expulsion from the Club.
This is to include threats, intimidation, physical harm, intentional damage to club property, or any other action deemed to be retaliatory by the Club Officers.

Article VIII: Safety Committee/Officer

A. The Board of Directors will appoint at least three (3) club members to be on the Safety Committee and one (1) club member to be the Safety Officer.
The Safety Committee/Officer will report directly to the Board and to the members at the regular Club meeting.

Article IX: Amendments

A. These by-laws may be amended by a majority vote of the Board of Directors and the general membership.

Article X:

A. Each person who acts as a Director or Officer of the Club shall be indemnified by the Club against expenses actually and necessarily incurred by him/her
in connection with the defense of any action, suit or proceeding in which he/she is made a party by reason of his/her being or having been a Director or
Officer of the Club. Except in relation to matters as to which he/she shall be adjudged in such action, suit or proceeding to be liable for gross negligence
or willful misconduct in the performance of his/her duties.

B. The right of indemnification provided herein shall insure to each Director and Officer referred to in (A), whether or not he/she is such Director or
Officer at the time such cost or expenses are imposed or incurred, and in the event of his/her death shall extend to his/her legal representatives.

Article XI:

A. These By-Laws have been adopted by the Board of Directors and by majority vote of the general membership on the 2nd day of October, 2009.


Gary Esterle, PRESIDENT
Jesse Tipton, TREASURER


John Vetter: CHAIRMAN
2023 – 2024 Jacob Chambers, Tom Stryker, John Surlak
2024 – 2025 Jerry Hermes, Scotty White, Joe Purvis

Kevin Duff

John Surlak

© Copyright 2024, Louisville Radio Control Club, All Rights Reserved

© Copyright 2016, River City Radio Controllers, All Rights Reserved