Welcome to the Official Website of the


© Copyright 2024, Louisville Radio Control Club, All Rights Reserved

​​​Welcome to the Louisville Radio Control Club.

We are a non-profit organization serving nearly 400 members and guest who operate radio controlled model airplanes, gliders and helicopters. We are located south of downtown Louisville (KY), in the south-eastern corner of the McNeely Lake Park. We fly seven days a week, weather permitting. The club has lots to offer both members and spectators, making for a great place for local residents to fly and
enjoy the flying. The club features a well-kept 125 feet wide by 670' grass runway, with ample room to fly most model aircraft. We adhere to strict noise and safety regulations, making us a good neighbor to surrounding community. Anybody can come out to watch the flying, and we welcome new members. Pilots can join the club once they obtain a membership to the AMA, a national modelers association.
Pilot visitors are welcome to fly up to three (3) times without joining the club, provided they are insured through the

If you're visiting Louisville, check out local information on restaurants, lodging, and activities at

Visitors: Welcome any time the gate is unlocked.

Facilities: 670 foot long x 125 foot wide, well maintained grass runway with helicopter, micro and control line areas. Handicap Porta-Pot

Location: LRCC is located on the south side of McNeely Lake Park in the South End of Louisville on Mt Washington Rd, 1.5 miles east of Preston Hwy.

To find us, simply exit I-265 at the Preston Highway Exit (Rt. 61). Go south on Prestonapprox. 1 mile, and turn Left at Mount Washington Road (by the blue auto-body shop). Go east on Mt. Washington Road approx. 1.5 miles, then turn left at the Park entrance by the Riding Stables. We are at the end of the entrance road. Check out links page for a Mapquest provided map.

Latitude: 38° 5'26.60"N               Longitude: 85°37'46.42"W



Day: First Tuesday of each month

Place: May through September - Flying Field
Time: 7:00pm

Place: October through March - The Aero Club (Bowman Field)
Time: 7:30pm - Except December meeting / Christmas Party which will be 7:00pm

The Aero Club Location:
The Aero Club at Bowman field is located off of Dutchman's lane between Cannons lane and Taylorsville road.
You take the road that is used to get to the department of motor vehicle, license, driving testing course.
When you get to the first four way intersection, instead of turning right to pull around to the parking lot of the DMV,
you take a left and drive past hangers on the left and a equipment rental company on the right.
When you come to the end of that road it turns to the right and loops around and dead ends into the Aero Club's parking lot.

Guest: Always Welcome

© Copyright 2016, River City Radio Controllers, All Rights Reserved